Friday 29 October 2010

What a wonderful job...

Hello everybody. The task is to think in jobs I would like to work. In general, young people think that the job is something that we do to get money, but you have to do what is your vocation, if is possible. Others, might a little older, think that the job is only to get by on what you earn, maintain your family and pay for life. I think that is a mix of both, and the path you take depends of how much possibilities you have in the decision’s moment.
When you don’t have possibilities to choose what you want to do, for example, finished college, if you want to study something before get a job, and you can’t because of the money, so you have to get a job before study what you like, and there your desires and your time have to invest for need. Many people have to do a sacrifice in these cases and others similar, and after this, they’re not happy with what they are doing, and the jobs obtain the worst part, all the carry of boredom, unhappily and frustration. It is really dangerous because the people in this situation can fall in a deeply sadness.
A job that all of us would like, I think is to be a rock star, because the people think that is a job of fun and pleasure, like KISS. Obviously, if I could choose one job, I would choose it. I will enjoy it because I would have free pass to go to any concert, I would have fun, I would doing something really creative, and without any annoying boss. Also, go around the world, know every country, city, stadiums and theatres, I would see the museums and arts of every place, etc.
I know some guys who have a life of these characteristics, like a rock star, but they aren’t very famous or rich, they are Chilean musicians, so the reality here and today is very different. Many musicians that I still can call them rocks star, can be founded during the day working in a store and at night, in a gig with the band, because we all know that music in Chile isn’t profitable.
I’m sorry if my post isn’t very serious, but I think that dreaming is funnier than think about what really I would finish doing in my life. I hope you like it.


Pd: "God gave rock and roll to you, gave rock and roll to you! Put it in the soul of everyone"



  1. If you could be a rock star, i think that you will be the best of all! you have the music in your blood, my dear mary!

    see you :)

  2. Mary, with the title of your post I remember Sam (of the movie "I am Sam"). He worked in a Starbucks, and always said "what a wonderful choice". Did you see the movie? It is a very beautiful movie.

  3. maryyyyy!!!!
    I agree with caro xD
    Take care honey =)

  4. MAryyy of course you could be my hands model XDDD
    I'll call you soon ;)

  5. With what you said, I can only reply "AMEN".
    This is so true, I think that we all should be a rock star at least for a day in our life, just to know what it feels like. I would like to be like Joe Strummer (punk rock is the best).
