Friday 12 November 2010

The greatest one

Hello to all of you! I wasn’t in the class (yes, go ahead with the boo and the hiss… but I had my reasons!) but, obviously, I want to do the post. The task of today is to think in who is the greatest Chilean of all the time. Well, I am in problems now because I don’t have one at the moment. The premise “of all the time” is very problematic and difficult, because I may miss now parts of Chilean history, so the person I will choose would be only an important person to Chile, and specifically, to Chilean Art. I have to set boundaries, my choose is about Chilean music, and this music, is rock folk fusion. The greatest Chilean band, to me is Los Jaivas. Leaded by Gato Alquinta (R.I.P), they made one unique fusion of rock of 70’s and South America folk, and give to Chile a precious legacy of music, and international renown. Also, they are important because they value the traditional sound of the Chilean territory, the land, the Chilean poetry, the figure of Chilean people. As musicians, they are amazing, even the first drummer of the band is recognized as one of the greatest drummers in the history of rock.
I already had see them in a gig, a free gig in Maipú, and they made me vibe their sound. I don’t have the opportunity to see them with Gato alive, I know is not the same, but it still be great. I’m so proud to have a band like this in Chile, and if I could talk to them someday, I would ask them if they have imagined in the past, in the beginning, all the success that they already have, and if they seek it. I would ask too if they are regret about something that they had to do in the past, and if they have something to say to the Chilean people about the changes of the life style that we are carrying.
pd: What other band or singer would you put in the list of greatest Chileans?

1 comment:

  1. I don think they are great too. I'd love to see them live. I haven't had the opportunity yet.
